Thym 4 Tea with Mikita

Ep. 85 5 Easy Tips to Cherishing Your Achievements

Mikita Smith, Finding Courage / Creating Space & Living Life

Have you ever found yourself in a moment where you realized you've got this, and felt an overwhelming sense of confidence and pride? I'm Mikita, and I want to remind you that it's okay to take a break, celebrate your accomplishments, and enjoy the moment. As you push to reach your goals and take things to the next level, it's important to step back and appreciate the journey.

In this bite-sized episode of Thym 4 Tea with Mikita, we reflect on memorable moments and milestones that fill us with those feelings of confidence and pride. I encourage you to think about your own accomplishments and the people that matter most to you. Take this opportunity to cherish your journey, live life, and collect your flowers now.
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Mikita :

I want you to think about that one moment.

Mikita :

Then you realize that you got this. Where were you at? How did it feel? Do you remember the sense of confidence, the sense of belonging, the sense of just knowing who you were and your power? Hey there, i'm Makita, a small town girl with dreams. We started a podcast with an old headset and a laptop at my kitchen table and made my dreams come true. On my podcast, time for Tea with Makita, we chat about living life unapologetically, on your terms, from career advice, entrepreneurship, relationships and everything in between. This is your one stop shop for real conversations and inspiration. If you're looking for connection, then you found it here. Join me every Tuesday as we dive into those sometimes hard to have conversations. So grab your cup of tea or coffee and get comfy, because this is Time for Tea with Makita, and the tea is definitely hot. Welcome back. It is definitely time for some tea, and I am Makita. First of all, thank you. Thank you for sharing your time, your space and your amazing energy with me today. So today, in this little bite sized episode, i just wanna come to you to say that it's okay to guess. I see you out here. You're grinding, you're taking that thing to the next level. But guess what? You can take a break. You deserve a break. You can step back and just appreciate the moment that you're in. Appreciate the ride. Look at where you were five years ago, three years ago, a year ago, six months ago. Look at all the things that you've done to get to where you are today. You are so amazing. You've worked hard, and as hard as you worked, you need to relax and celebrate yourself just as much. So I want you to take some time and I want you to celebrate you. I want you to celebrate you and celebrate all the things that make you uniquely. You Celebrate your hard work. I want you to think about that one moment. Then you realize that you got this. Where were you at? How did it feel? Do you remember the sense of confidence, the sense of belonging, the sense of just knowing who you were and your power? I know sometimes our motivation comes and goes, but we all have those moments that we just feel so proud of where we are so proud of all the things that we've accomplished, and we just start to really sit back. So that's what I want you to do now. I want you to sit back and I want you to remember that space and that time where you was like I'm doing this, i'm not just talking about it anymore, i'm not just dreaming about this anymore, i'm actually doing the thing that I love. I want you to remember that feeling, because that feeling that's part of the journey. That's the thing that we have to hold on to, because sometimes we get so caught up and taken it to the next level that we forget to enjoy where we're at, the people that we have around you.

Mikita :

Can you even remember the first person you called when you got your first big break, your first opportunity? Who did you call? Who did you? it was like, guess what just happened to me? I bet you smile and they all thinking about it Like, yep, i remember that. I definitely remember my moment. I remember every step of the way.

Mikita :

I remember when I graduated high school, how happy I was because it was a struggle. It was hard. I remember when I graduated college and having my mom there, it was man. None of those steps were easy, but every moment that was a challenge to me. When I came out of those moments, man, it felt good. I felt like I did more than just accomplish the inevitable. I felt like, if I could do this thing right here, imagine what else I could do. But I also said let me enjoy this moment right here, cause you know, most people are always like so what's next? What are you going to do? I'm not going to do anything. I'm going to sit back, collect my flowers, enjoy this moment with the people that I love, and I'm going to celebrate me in this moment where I'm at, and that's what I want you to do. I want you to celebrate you in this moment where you're at. You already know what your next step is, and if you don't completely have it all figured out, you will.

Mikita :

Sometimes we get really clear when we're able to step back from some things and give ourselves some time to let that creative juice just flow. Let those things just come to us naturally, and we're not, you know, fighting to figure it out. Sometimes, when we step back, it comes to us without us even having to try. So I want you to celebrate you. You worked hard. Celebrate you. Take this time. Go on a trip. Go on a day trip. If you can't go on a full trip, do whatever you can. Take a moment, do something you love. Go get a massage. Go get your nails done. Read your book. Maybe it's a book you've been waiting to read, maybe it's a place that you've been dying to go a little boutique or shop you just want to explore. Call up a friend, get your mom, get your kids, your husband, your partner, whoever Celebrate.

Mikita :

The thing about this thing called life is that it goes so fast, you know, before you know it. Time just seems like it slips away, and the one thing that I don't want you to do I don't even want myself to do it is to look back at life and be like I was so busy grinding, i was so busy trying to get to the next level, to get to this next pivotal moment, that I forgot to live. I forgot to celebrate the people in my life. I forgot to celebrate the things that matter to me the most, the reason that you were even in this. So collect your flowers now. Enjoy all your moments.

Mikita :

All right, that's all the tea. But guess what? If you want some more inspiration, sign up for my newsletter and get your weekly dose of self-care for you. You can sign up for my newsletter by clicking the link in the show notes And, if you love, time for tea with Makita as much as I do, then I would love to get some feedback. Go ahead, leave me a quick review. All right, you guys. That's all the tea that I have to spill today, but guess what? Join me each and every Tuesday for some more delicious hot tea. Until next time, namaste.

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