Thym 4 Tea with Mikita
Welcome to 'Thym 4 Tea with Mikita,' where we spill the tea on all things self-care and living boldly. This podcast is your invitation to cozy up and dive deep into conversations that get real about mindfulness, wellness, and finding joy in the beautifully messy journey of life. We're here to chat about the big stuff, the little stuff, and everything in between, with a focus on embracing our true selves and stepping into our power. So grab your cup of tea, get comfy, and discover what it means to live unapologetically.
#SelfCare #Motivation #WellnessJourney #BeautifullyUnbalanced
Thym 4 Tea with Mikita
Build Your Life Around What Truly Matters
Have you ever felt the weight of others' expectations holding you back from your true purpose? Join me, Mikita, for a heartfelt exploration into claiming your destiny with your own hands. As I recount the lessons learned from my own missteps, like a semester lost to failure, we uncover the power of leaning into our personal challenges to propel us toward our authentic selves. Together, we discuss the vital importance of trusting our inner compass over the applause or disapproval of those around us. I'll guide you through the essential steps of aligning your life with your deeply-held values, and the fortitude it takes to march confidently toward your dreams.
This episode is not just about finding your footing; it's about embracing the unique journey that is wholly yours. We delve into the core pillars that have kept me anchored—a blend of mental well-being, family, and spiritual grounding—and invite you to discover and hold fast to your own. For anyone wrestling with the shadows of social anxiety or the fear of stepping out of line, I offer my experiences and insights on creating a support network, even for the introverted among us. Through candid conversation, I aim to light a path toward self-acceptance, resilience, and a life lived boldly without a single regret.
#selfdevelopment #Wellness
#thym4teawithmikita #manifest #purposefulliving #liveunapplogectically #freedom #podcast #womeninpodcast #podcastlife #empoweringwomen
Sometimes we just we sit and we wait and we expect other people to tell us what we should do next, when they don't even know what they should be doing next. We're all trying to figure this thing out ourselves. We're all sitting there trying to figure out what we should. What should we do next? Is this the right choice? Is this the next step? But when we quiet our minds, when we stop looking for outside validation, we stop asking other people what our dream should be, what our purpose should be, and start asking ourselves, trusting that inner voice, that guidance. Hey there, I'm Makita, a small town girl with dreams who started a podcast with an old headset and a laptop at my kitchen table and made my dreams come true. On my podcast. Time for Tea with Makita, we chat about living life unapologetically, on your terms, from career advice, entrepreneurship, relationships and everything in between. This is your one stop shop for real conversations and inspiration. If you're looking for connection, then you found it here. Join me every Tuesday as we dive into those sometimes hard to have conversations. So grab a cup of tea or coffee and get comfy, because this is Time for Tea with Makita and the tea is definitely hot. Ever feel like you need a super power, boost of motivation with exclusive tips and tools with your goals in mind. Well, say hello to your new inspiration hotspot, the Tuesday Tea newsletter. You're a weekly infusion of big thinking energy that will propel you to chase your wildest dreams and never shy away from using the power of your voice. Sign up for the Tuesday Tea newsletter today at beautifullyandbalancedcom and elevate your goals to the next episode.
Speaker 1:Welcome back, it is definitely Time for some tea. I'm your host, makita. First of all, just thank you so much for sharing your time, your space and, of course, that amazing energy with me today. So today's episode is a little going to be a little bit off the cuff, okay, because I had an idea in mind and I really wasn't feeling it at first. I was like, yeah, I like it, but I think I want to talk about something a little different here and I want this to kind of just flow. So just flow with me today as we dive into this episode.
Speaker 1:I really want to talk about what are you waiting for permission for? Are you waiting for someone else to activate your dreams, your purpose, and if so, why? Do you need someone else to tell you what you already know you're destined for. And then I want to talk to you about having some foundational pillars that will help keep you motivated, that are going to be true to who you are, your beliefs, your core values. That aligns with who you are as a person.
Speaker 1:We are all uniquely different and that's, I think, the most amazing thing about being a person and that's, I think, the most amazing thing about us. Our purposes are totally different, even though sometimes they align on the same path. The way we move in our purpose, the way we speak in our purpose, the people that are attracted to our mission and the things that we speak about, the things that we do and the way that we do it is all different, and sometimes I feel like we hold ourselves back from truly stepping into our purpose because we are waiting for someone else to give us permission to step fully and wholly into the purpose that we know that we should already be activating. And I know that can be scary and it looks different for each and every one of us. But as we move into this new season and we're thinking about letting go and letting go of fears, why not letting go of other people's expectation and stepping out on faith on our own and I know sometimes it's easier said than done.
Speaker 1:It's easy to tell someone else to go for it, to do it, to go back to school, to go out and quit the job that you hate. That feels like it's sucking you dry. How can someone else tell you that when they haven't done it? But let me tell you, I have went to school when people thought I was crazy, with two kids needing a full-time job, not being able to work the full-time hours. I've been there, scared, shitless, not knowing what was going to happen. And my biggest thing was what if I fail? What if I go to school and I put in all this hard work and everybody knows that I'm going and I fucking fail? Well, it happened. I did. I went to school and I failed. I failed the class, I failed the semester. And you know what happened? I cried, I did. I cried like a baby. I cried Ugly tears I mean ugly volunteers locked myself in the room, tears, and then something came over me and said you're not giving up, you're going to keep going, you're going to find a way. This is not it. Just because this happened does not make you in failure. It showed me one thing it showed me that I wanted it for me, that I was destined for it, that this was my purpose. Like I don't know why I'm being led on this path, but something is guiding me and moving me, telling me to keep going. My worst fear came true and it just motivated me to keep going. And I did, and I finished school and I'm very proud of that.
Speaker 1:So sometimes we get caught up in our own head. We wait for the permission of others. But what are we waiting for when we say, like I'm waiting for the kids, I'm waiting for this, we're waiting for someone else to tell us that we're good enough, that we have what it takes, that everything's going to be perfect and everything's going to be okay. Things are going to be okay. It may not be a perfect straight line. There are going to be some dips and lows. That comes with it but it doesn't necessarily have to be hard. I think sometimes, if we change our mindset around our fears, we let go of the word I'm going to fail. Instead say there's going to be some mistakes.
Speaker 1:I don't always get it right. I won't ace every test, but I can show up and do the best that I can. I can use the resources that are available to me, because I feel like, for some points, I wasn't using the resources. I was this person that I can do it myself, which is part of my mentality. I can do it myself and I would tell you, the do it myself attitude will not get you far. No one does it themselves. We all have someone that is helping us, whether it's a spouse, whether it's a friend, whether they're just giving us encouragement, whether they're sharing their stories. You are not out here in this world doing it alone, and if we continue to think that everything that we do with doing it by ourselves and we have to do it by ourselves, you won't get far.
Speaker 1:I feel like God has given me a team. He's set people up in my space for me to meet, to cross paths with, to encourage me along the way. Some of these people were not there for the whole journey, but God placed them in my life and he's placing them in your life. Think about all the people that you've met. Whether it was just standing in line and a stranger started to talk to you and they said something that activated something in you, that made you say thank you. They unknowingly gave you a gift, a word that carried you, that spoke some truth to you. Those are the best thing I'm talking about, when people are placed in your life in different paths. Sometimes we think you're building a circle or a network, but sometimes you're just opening yourself up to be open to hearing and being around people that will take you one step further and in return, you will also take them one step further.
Speaker 1:I feel like there's this give and take. The same way, people deposit information and deposit strength inside of you. You should also be depositing that strength back into the next person. But you don't need to wait for permission. You don't need anyone to tell you that your purpose should not be explored. You don't need to wait. You don't need to have anyone else's validation. Your destiny, your dream, your steps are not anyone else's but yours.
Speaker 1:And I feel like sometimes we just sit and we wait and we expect other people to tell us what we should do next, when they don't even know what they should be doing next. We're all trying to figure this thing out ourselves. We're all sitting there trying to figure out what we should. What should we do next? Is this the right choice? Is this the next step?
Speaker 1:But when we quiet our minds when we stop looking for outside validation, when we stop asking other people what our dream should be, what our purpose should be, and start asking ourselves, trusting that inner voice, that guidance, that inner, that inner know it. You know what I mean, like the spiritual part of yourself. When you tap into your spiritual nature, when you tap into that and you sit there and you listen. And that's why I like meditation so much, because it's the only time where my thoughts are clear and I can only hear myself. I don't work on quieting my mind and not having thoughts, but I center those thoughts and I center that energy and all I'm doing is listening to my body. I am listening to what it is I need, I am listening to where I need to be at next and I'm trusting my spiritual self to guide me there. And there's a sense of calm that comes over me every time I sit. Sometimes it's five minutes, sometimes it's 15, sometimes it's 20.
Speaker 1:If I don't have a lot of time, sometimes it's two minutes I'm just taking some moments to breathe and exhale and just know that I am here in my thoughts just for a moment, and sometimes that's all we need. It's a moment. It's like when you pull up outside to the house and you, before you go in, you just cut the car off and just sit in silence before you go into the chaos. But it's that moment where you can hear your thoughts. You already know what you should be doing. It's just that we always want an easier way to circumvent it. Right, we want this another way to get there because we're like this seems so hard. I don't want to put myself out there for this Like is there another way I can do this without going through this part of the journey? But I always look at it this way.
Speaker 1:If, when I said you know, if you've heard the story when I talk about the first time I stood up to speak and I was like so excited because I was like I'm going to be a speaker one day, like this is going to be my thing, and I got an opportunity to stand in front of people to speak and the words came out, if I would have never had that moment, if I wouldn't have let myself have the fear, if I wouldn't have never sat with that and let that go and step back up one stage, I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be behind the mic, I wouldn't be on a stage, I wouldn't speak to other people. I had to have that moment to know that it's okay to be fearful. It's okay to do it scared. It's okay to do it scared Sometimes.
Speaker 1:Worry about what other people say is just not having other people, expectations and thoughts dictate your actions. You could be worried like, oh my god, what is my mom gonna think if I say this? You know how would this affect you, know my family, but I gotta speak my truth. You can still voice a concern and not let it consume you and control you. The idea of waiting for permission to be the person that you know, that you are to step into your own greatness. It's like you don't value yourself enough to say I'm worthy of it, I deserve it and it's a journey.
Speaker 1:We don't just all of a sudden get rid of our fears. We don't just all of a sudden say, all right, I'm gonna do this thing, it's time. It's time it's. It's it's putting ourselves around people that will continue to motivate us, that will pour into us the same way we're pouring into them. It's trusting that every trial and tribulation, every moment that we feel like maybe we've lost something, it's usually a lesson. It's a teachable lesson. It's a story, the story that you can tell someone else when they feel like they can't go forward. It's a reminder to yourself that you can do it. It's a story that you can remind yourself of and say remember, when you had that experience, remember you were so afraid that you weren't gonna do good or that you were gonna fail. Remember that and remember you did it anyway. That's the thing, and I constantly remind myself of that every time.
Speaker 1:I love going to places, I love being around people, but I do have social anxiety about it as well. I think sometimes we all do this fear of being accepted. But the thing is, as long as I accept myself, as long as you accept yourself for who you are, as long as when you walk into whatever room it is that you're being presented and being asked to be in, that you accept you for who you are, that you try not to be anyone else but the you that you love, then that's all that matters. Then those people will gravitate, you, you will find your people. You will find the people that you can connect with. And one thing I've learned about going because I never really have like this whole I always want to go to events, but I'm like, okay, what am I gonna do when I get there? You know I have this. You know I want to learn and I want to connect. So I was listening to someone. They were talking about, you know, going to events and having a agenda when they get there, and they challenged themselves. So, especially for people that are introverted like myself, challenging myself to speak and get to know five people it's like five random people, like putting myself out there and saying I'm gonna meet five new people tonight while I'm here. I'm gonna introduce myself, I'm gonna have a conversation and why I'm at it. I'm gonna take some pictures with five more new people. So in total, I've met ten new people that I can connect with.
Speaker 1:When I think about this, it reminds me of the three pillars that I like to live my life by, and I think we all have our own version of the three pillars, and you may not even call them three pillars, you may just be like. You know, this is just my normal routine. These are my things that align with me, my routines, however you want to phrase it, but for me, I have foundational pillars that I hold. True. They are a part of who I am. They make me me and the same thing with you. You have foundational pillars, values, beliefs that make you uniquely, you.
Speaker 1:So the first one is my well-being, my mental well-being, you know, and it consists of my routines, the foundation core, the core piece, and that's my meditation, my breathing, this is what centers me, this is what aligns me, this is what gives me the calm and the inner peace and the spiritual connection that lays the foundation for who I am and, okay, what's going on in my life. This is what centers me and from there it's my family. My family is everything you know, from my siblings, my mom to my husband, to my kids. They are everything to me. They are an extension of that well-being and foundational piece. And from there, you know. The third pillar for me is my spiritual self. This is my own unique makeup of who I am, and your spiritual self is your whole unique makeup of who you are. You know, having this spiritual side of me and I don't mean religious, I mean spiritual my spiritual self is the alignment.
Speaker 1:It doesn't ask for permission, it doesn't wait for anyone else to validate, it is uniquely me, it is my honest self, it speaks its truth, it is unapologetic and it holds me accountable. And I use these three foundational pieces throughout my life. They make me better and they remind me that I don't need to wait for permission. I don't need anyone's validation, and neither do you.
Speaker 1:Whatever it is that you're holding onto, whatever fear it is that you feel like is holding you back from stepping in your purpose for living your dream, to being unapologetically you, to living life on your terms. You know there's this thing that people say that at the end of your lifespan, the one thing you don't want to have is regrets, wondering that what would have happened if you took a chance? What would have happened if you would have did it anyway? Did it scared, did it afraid? It's one of those things that reminds me that life is short. No one is promised tomorrow. We never know where we're going to be. But what I don't want to be is in a place where I thought to myself what if I didn't wait for permission? What if I didn't wait for someone else to tell me it was okay to live, to be me, to go for that, to see what happened when I broke free and lived my purpose unapologetically?
Speaker 1:So if you take nothing else from this conversation, I know it was a lot of freestyle, it's a little rough cut, but I really just wanted to explore this with you and I really wanted to get you in the mind space of thinking more freely and finding what pieces that you need to take away so that you can start the journey. And it is a journey, don't get me wrong. It is a journey. Sure, we talk about mindset and we talk about affirmations and I love affirmations and I know some people like affirmations. They're okay, but I get that. But it's about believing the affirmation that you say. It's about hearing the affirmation and then taking action. It's about understanding that you can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you don't apply it, it means nothing. It's about saying I'm fearless and I can do this thing, but never taking action and still waiting for permission.
Speaker 1:We go through this life cycle, these changes, and we say all the things that we want to do, all the things that we want to be fearless, we want to challenge ourselves, we want growth, we want to have more money, we want to have more time, we want to have more freedom to be with our family, with our kids, and we have this idea of what this life would look like. But sometimes we get scared and we are waiting for signs, and I've heard people say this all the time. You know I'm waiting for a sign. What sign are you waiting for? I'm confused. God gave you this, like he gave you the knowledge, he gave you the idea, he implanted the seed in you. That's the sign. You would have never had the thought if he never wanted you to have the purpose.
Speaker 1:It's just our fear of what if I don't make it? What will someone think? I just here, I am trying something else new and never finishing the last thing I started. So what? Everything that you tried before was leading you up to the magic, to the purpose. It's all about the magic of it all. There's a magic to it. It doesn't have to be for anyone's understanding. I don't care if you start five, six different jobs, five go to school and drop out eight, nine times. There's a reason why the first couple of times didn't work out.
Speaker 1:But each and every time you get back up and you go back, you figure it out. You ask yourself what are you afraid of? What are you waiting for? What's holding you back from finishing? What is it truly that's stopping you? And those are hard questions and sometimes we've got to dig a little deeper. And we've got to go beyond the first question and dig deep. We've got to find the answers. But you've got to be willing to do the work. You've got to be willing to ask the questions and you've got to be willing to be honest with yourself, to let go of the fear, to step into the purpose.
Speaker 1:You've got to stop waiting for these magical signs to show up and start trusting the sign that was already given to you in the first place. It was placed in your heart. You know how it feels, you know. Every time you think about it, you light up, you smile. You could talk about it forever with anyone, even a stranger people on the street. You don't care. You could just go on and on. That's the magic of it all. So if you feel like this has helped move you forward I hope so Share it with someone else. I think sometimes we all just need a reminder that we don't need permission, we don't need validation. All right, you guys, you know that is all the tea that I have to spill today, but guess what? Join me each and every Tuesday for more delicious hot tea. If we're not connected yet go find me on Instagram at mckitasmith underscore. I cannot wait to connect with you, tell me where you're at in your journey and how I can support you as you move forward. All right, until next time, my friend Namaste.