Thym 4 Tea with Mikita
Welcome to 'Thym 4 Tea with Mikita,' where we spill the tea on all things self-care and living boldly. This podcast is your invitation to cozy up and dive deep into conversations that get real about mindfulness, wellness, and finding joy in the beautifully messy journey of life. We're here to chat about the big stuff, the little stuff, and everything in between, with a focus on embracing our true selves and stepping into our power. So grab your cup of tea, get comfy, and discover what it means to live unapologetically.
#SelfCare #Motivation #WellnessJourney #BeautifullyUnbalanced
Thym 4 Tea with Mikita
How I've Learned to Embrace the Journey
Life isn’t just about reaching the destination—it’s about savoring every step along the way. In this episode, I share my reflections on the importance of embracing the journey, even when the path feels unclear or uncertain. From my own experiences of starting this podcast with humble beginnings to the lessons I’ve learned from life’s unexpected detours, we’re diving into the beauty of growth, gratitude, and finding meaning in everyday moments.
Together, we’ll explore:
How to find purpose in a world full of expectations and judgments: By leaning into vulnerability and authenticity, we uncover the power of living our truth.
The transformative power of the journey: Learn how small, seemingly mundane moments contribute to our growth and why they deserve to be celebrated.
Practical ways to cherish the present: Simple strategies to slow down, appreciate where you are, and find joy in progress, no matter how small.
This episode is your reminder that each step, even the ones that feel messy or uncertain, matters. Let’s commit to slowing down, savoring the moment, and uplifting each other as we navigate life’s waves.
If you’ve ever felt stuck chasing the “next big thing,” this episode is for you. Tune in, and let’s explore how to embrace the journey together.
🎧 Listen now and share this message with someone who might need a reminder that their journey matters.
#selfdevelopment #Wellness
#thym4teawithmikita #manifest #purposefulliving #liveunapplogectically #freedom #podcast #womeninpodcast #podcastlife #empoweringwomen
One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that the journey teaches us things that the destination never could. Every single struggle, every small win, every setback those are the experiences that give us strength. They make you wiser, they make you more compassionate and more grounded. But you have to be willing to be present with them, even when they're uncomfortable or imperfect. And I'm telling you because I've been there, I've been in uncomfortable. Hey, there, I'm Makita, a small town girl with big dreams who started a podcast with an old headset and a laptop at my kitchen table and made my dreams come true.
Speaker 1:On my podcast, time for Tea with Makita, we chat about living life unapologetically, on your terms, from career advice, entrepreneurship, relationships and everything in between. This is your one-stop shop for real conversations and inspiration. If you're looking for connection, then you found it here. Join me every Tuesday as we dive into those sometimes hard to have conversations. So grab your cup of tea or coffee and get comfy, because this is time for Tea with Makita, and the tea is definitely hot.
Speaker 1:Ever feel like you need a superpower boost of motivation with exclusive tips and tools with your goals in mind? Well, say hello to your new inspiration hotspot the Tuesday Tea Newsletter, your weekly infusion of big thinking energy that'll propel you to chase your wildest dreams and never shy away from using the power of your voice. Sign up for the Tuesday Tea Newsletter today at beautifullyunbalancedcom and elevate your goals to the next level. Welcome back, it is definitely time for some tea. I am Makita and I just goals to the next level. Welcome back, it is definitely time for some tea.
Speaker 1:I am Akita and I just want to thank you so much for sharing your time, your space and your amazing energy. And you know, there's a reason why I say thank you for sharing your energy. I say it each and every time because I am truly grateful and I like to start each and every episode with gratitude. I like to start my day with gratitude. I don't know about you, but we have so much sometimes to complain about and be unhappy about. But when I start taking account of my life and where I'm at and you know, I just I feel so much gratitude and I'm truly, I'm so grateful that each and every one of you are on this journey with me. It feels really good knowing that you're not alone in the journey. You know what I mean. Like we're all going through life and sometimes life gets really hard. Sometimes it gets messy, sometimes we're like I don't even know what I'm doing, we're just in it. And it feels good having a place that you can show up to each and every time, with someone who gets it, that knows what it feels like to be where you're at, or you know, at least can say I may not know exactly what you're going through, but I know that feeling. I definitely understand how it feels to be feeling lost. We all know what it feels like to feel lost, like that feeling of uncertainty, the feeling of not knowing what's gonna happen next. We've been there. We know what that's like. So when I say thank you for sharing your time and your space, I truly mean thank you for showing up with me and being on that journey and allowing me to be on your journey with you as well. So that's me just like showing my gratitude to you guys.
Speaker 1:You know, and one thing about being podcasting is that for me, like having these moments of vulnerability and just being so open. Sometimes it's really scary, because we know that a lot of people like to judge us or expect you to be a certain way and when you show up as your imperfectly self, with mistakes and faults and everything is not how people envisioned your life to be. It's kind of like you know, like oh, but at the same time, you know, it's like if for me to show up and say, hey, live this life, live your life, live your truth and be unapologetic about it. Use your voice, own it. Trust me, I am still working on owning my voice as well. I'm working on, you know, continuing to live authentically, to stand up for who I am, figure out what it is I want out of this world and hold on to that and not let it go All right off my soapbox. All right, so today's I'm running out of my card. So my affirmation today is my love is stronger than arguments and fights. Your ego will always try to win you. You are much more than your ego. Your ego will always try to win you. You are much more than your ego. Whenever you find yourself in an argument, ask yourself does it really matter? Is this worth giving away my peace? And honestly, I find myself asking that question any and every time I'm having, I feel a certain way and I want to like say something. I check myself because I have to ask myself is this my ego or is this really something worth fighting about? Because if it's my ego, then I need to step back for a second. So it's just a great reminder sometimes that some things aren't worth the fight, but then there's other things that are definitely worth fighting for and using our voice for All right. Today's episode we're going to dive into is.
Speaker 1:I just read this amazing book. Some of you have probably already read this book, so you are probably like familiar and know. If you haven't read this book, it's definitely on one of my best reads ever. Especially if you're a person that loves to think outside the box and you know you're just full of questions and not afraid to ask the hard questions, then the Alchemist is definitely for you. So I read the book the Alchemist. Um, so I read the book the Alchemist and it was such an amazing journey because it's kept for me. I felt like it was in the the, the person that was reading it. It almost felt like someone was reading me a book, because you know, sometimes you get audio books and there's a lot to be desired from the person that's narrating. But this guy was really, really good. It read like a parable and I was on this journey as he was reading this amazing book to me and I could just really absorb myself in it.
Speaker 1:But it's really all about finding your purpose. And this young man in the book had a dream that made him realize that he was not fulfilling his purpose and in order for him to truly live life in the way that he was supposed to, he needed to start living his truth. He was looking for his personal legend and to me that translated over to finding his purpose in life. So he's on this. He goes, he needs to fulfill his personal legend and while he's on this journey he decides to leave his country, go to another country where he didn't even speak the language, because the need, the drive was so deep for him to fill it. And in thinking about this, I was, like you know, in life we all have purpose. I don't believe that anyone was placed here or given a dream or thought or idea that it wasn't implanted in them like a seed waiting to be birthed. We all have a purpose. We all have, you know, our own personal legend to fulfill.
Speaker 1:And in this thing called life, things pop up Like life starts happening and we get distracted, we get to a comfort level and we're living pretty good. I have everything I ever wanted, or more than I ever thought I could have. Shouldn't I just stop here and just be grateful for what I have? But then there's always this need in us. It's like no, you can't stop here, you have to keep going, there is something more for you. You haven't completed the journey yet. And that's how the book was reading, like in each place he could have stayed. He could have just said you know what? I found the girl I love, I have all the money that I could need, and just let it go.
Speaker 1:And I think sometimes when we think about our destiny and our purpose, because I'm a big dreamer I don't know about you guys, but I dream really, really big. I never know how I'm going to get there, because when I'm dreaming or thinking about all the possibilities, I never think about how, like what steps are needed to get to the destination. I just know that if I trust it, everything's going to come together and I will get there. I may not get there the way I want to, but things will happen. And I feel like the same for anyone.
Speaker 1:Some people dream in details where they can actually physically see all the little things that need to happen and they can really map that out. And some people are like me, who just dream big and like, oh, this is the end. But the thing about that is we only focus on the end. We forget that it takes all the little pieces, all the little things that we have to go through to absorb, all the people that we have to meet on the way, all the experiences that we have to experience so that when we get to the finish line, we get to the purpose, we understand it a lot more, because then we understand our place in life. And I think the biggest thing is understanding that we are all here for a purpose and we are all one. You know, we all have different dreams, different ideas, but when you lead with love, when you lead with understanding, then when you finally reach that destination, it makes the journey so much more understandable and you can appreciate it a lot more too.
Speaker 1:If you've ever your parents ever told you that if you wanted something you had to work for, you want those new shoes, you want that new outfit that you're going to have to get a job, you're going to have to work for it and you may have got the job to get the new shoes or the bike, whatever it is that you wanted. But when you finally got the money that could afford you to get the thing that you wanted, you realize that was something else most of the time that you needed, and a lot of times for me, the thing that I thought I wanted so badly. When I finally have the opportunity to get it, to go after it, it's not even what I want, because it's so much more deeper than that. And while I'm on the journey, I come across so many different people, so many different things that make me realize that it may have started off with me being able to want a new pair of shoes or a new outfit, but it ended with me understanding who I was as a person, what I could do and the things that I could accomplish, how smart I was, how creative I was, you know, and the same for you, you know, if you start thinking about all the things, like a time when you wanted something really bad that you had to go out and get it yourself, you know, when you start thinking about that, like, okay, did you get it? And if you did get it, did you feel as complete as you thought you would feel, because, see, that's what happens a lot of times too, when I'm only thinking of the big picture, when I'm only seeing the destination and not experiencing the whole journey.
Speaker 1:When I get there, it's a letdown, because I don't have the same emotion. It's like I thought I would feel more excited. I thought I would feel more accomplished. I thought that, you know, I feel like I've done it and you know, everything is just. But no, I feel like it feels like a letdown. I don't feel anything at all. You know, I just I feel like the same way I felt before everything ever. You know, I just I feel like the same way I felt before everything, ever anything happened, and that's because I didn't understand the journey. I didn't appreciate the journey. I never stopped to think about all the things that happened, all the things that led up to letting me be where I'm at.
Speaker 1:We put so much energy into reaching milestones, the perfect job, dream house, financial freedom and what it is we think about that we think will make us feel complete. I mean, don't get me wrong, goals are great. All I'm asking is that, while we're working toward what we want, that we're also focused on what's next and that we really think about where we're at in the journey. Don't rush through it, pushing yourself to go faster, thinking we'll find happiness when we finally arrive, and then we don't, or worse. But if we get there and we look back and realize we missed everything that was happening, that was meant to teach us, to shape us, right along the way, right along the journey, we miss it.
Speaker 1:Let's shift the perspective a little bit. Imagine if we started seeing each step we take as meaningful, valuable, even when it feels messy or uncertain. And I'm going to tell you right now, I am not the person who likes uncertainty. I dream big and I want to see the end result, because I already want to know what's going to happen. The idea of not knowing what's going to happen, it's like my anxiety is through the roof. What's going to happen? It's like my anxiety is through the roof. But you know, I talked to a very, very wise person who said that sometimes you have to sit in silence. You have to have obedience, and when you're being obedient, you're trusting the process. Obedient, you're trusting the process. Think about it Some of our most powerful lessons come from unplanned and unexpected parts of life, those detours, those moments where we feel lost.
Speaker 1:They're the ones that teach us resilience, patience and who we really are and sometimes who we want to be. One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that the journey teaches us things that the destination never could. Every single struggle, every small win, every setback those are the experiences that give us strength. They make you wiser, they make you more compassionate and more grounded. But you have to be willing to be present with them, even when they're uncomfortable or imperfect. And I'm telling you because I've been there. I've been in uncomfortable positions. You know I'm a Capricorn and I know people know Capricorns can be very judgmental people.
Speaker 1:But I experienced something in my life that made me realize that we are all going through something, we are all battling something, and you never know where someone is at in their journey, because sometimes people are there when people are down the most. They're in the thick of their journey and they just need one person to show them some small compassion, small understanding. I don't have to have walked in your shoes to show compassion, so just think about that. You know, the next time you see someone, that's you know. We start to, when we start to say something. I don't know what they're going through. I don't know that person and they don't know me, because I know when I was going through my struggle, oh my gosh, honey, honey, honey. But I came out of it a more compassionate person, a better person, someone who listens before they talk, a person who appreciates other people more.
Speaker 1:And I think sometimes we underestimate the power of everyday moments. We're going to shift a little bit here, okay, because I think it's also important that we find value in everyday moments. We get so caught up on waiting for the big life-changing events and I know I do Like I'm ready for some change, I'm ready for things to happen, I'm on this grind, I am ready, but you have to find those moments, those valuable moments in everyday things. It could be conversations, you know, connecting with people. You know this. Most recently I went with a group of friends and we went to the movies and I was going to back out of the trip I really was, but I'm glad I didn't. I was able to have some amazing conversation with some amazing women. That gave me a great new perspective, you know, made me really start shifting in my thought process, like, okay, so what's important, you know, even when I'm in a moment of stillness where I'm just breathing and trying to take it all in.
Speaker 1:I often reflect on those conversations and I'm like, hmm, how can that was meant for me. Like the fact that I remember, out of everything that was said, that one thing that this person said stuck with me. Like the fact that I remember, out of everything that was said, that one thing that this person said stuck with me means it was meant for me. Now I can be a little, I can overanalyze a little bit, but sometimes, you know, we don't have to analyze it to death, but just know that there's a story in there for us. It's a reminder in that for us. You know, we may not understand it at the moment, but we'll always come back to it.
Speaker 1:I remember a couple of months ago I said to someone I was like you know, maybe you know I need to have a little bit more like life experiences, you know, happen for me. You know, I'm just maybe, if you know, something else happened. Maybe I could relate a little bit more. I don't know why I said that, but let me tell you after I said it, life happened. Life happened and they said be careful what you ask for. And I got what I asked for, but I came out as a better person, more resilient person, a stronger person. So just know, sometimes, when we're asking for something, you may get it.
Speaker 1:But remember, even if it's frustrating, even if the experience seems like it's about to break, us find joy in it, because there's always something to be thankful for. Even in the midst of a struggle there's something worth appreciating. Because even in the midst of a struggle, there's something worth appreciating. Because even in the midst of my darkest days, I had something to be thankful for. Whether I was thankful that I was not alone, there was someone I could call, I had my family, I had my mom, I had my husband. You know, the sun still came out. Every day. There was a lot to be thankful for.
Speaker 1:I once heard someone say that ordinary moments are the ones we'll miss the most, and that really struck me, because, when you think about it, it's true. Those little in-between moments make up most of our lives. So why not treasure them now? And I know I talk about embracing the journey and looking at how we, you know, slow down a little bit and, even if we can see the destination, to kind of focus on the journey that we're going through at the same time. But I say that because I want you to start embracing the journey instead of fixating on the destination. So here are some ways that I feel like has helped me stay grounded, and sometimes we always got to remind ourselves.
Speaker 1:But, like I said as I started off, this whole conversation was practicing gratitude, and not just for big things, but for small things. Sometimes things seem insignificant, and not just for big things, but for small things. Sometimes things seem insignificant Maybe it's a cup of tea, a moment of silence, the fact that you even got through the day, especially if it was a tough day Like huh, I made it through the day. I didn't have to tell nobody about themselves. I was able to let my ego go Like, yes, I spoke up for the things that mattered and the things that I felt like you know what they was not going to interrupt my peace. I was able to let it, just let it go, and for that I'm grateful, because now I'm in a moment of peace. I did not let anyone or anything steal the peace that I have within me. And I will tell you what. I do that a lot and I remind people that a lot Do not let someone else steal your peace.
Speaker 1:When we notice and appreciate these moments, we start seeing the value in the journey itself and then reflect on what you're learning. Take time to ask yourself what am I learning? Right now, even if you're going through a hard season, there's something to be learned. Maybe it's patience, maybe it's how to be resilient, or maybe it's just learning how to listen or slow down. Reflection helps us see growth in real time instead of waiting until we've reached the end to look back and realize real time. Instead of waiting until we've reached the end to look back and realize I've grown a lot. I went through a lot. When you're reflecting and seeing that you can be like man look how far I've come From last week to this week. I have grown so much. Not saying there won't be days where you may slip back into old habits, but hey, that's life. It's recognizing being able're learning and that you are growing into the person that you want to be.
Speaker 1:The next thing is find joy in the progress, not just perfection. Don't look for perfection, I'm telling you. I try to live a beautifully unbalanced life. Another thing that's helped me when I'm talking about finding joy in the process itself is to just be myself, be transparent. This is it Celebrate the fact that I'm moving forward and I'm not perfect, but hey, I'm in my season of healing. This is what it looks like. So, whatever small steps I'm taking, this is my process. So, whatever small steps I'm taking, this is my process. And it's going to look different from someone else's process, because what they need and how they deal with things, our backgrounds, our culture all of that is so different. So, no, it's going to be different. No, I'm not perfect, but my journey and how I'm processing this is going to be perfect for me, same way it's going to be perfect for you. And remember progress is worth celebrating.
Speaker 1:And the last thing is let go of comparison. Don't be comparing yourself to nobody else. Comparison is the enemy of a feeling journey. When you are constantly looking at somebody else's life and their accomplishments, we rob ourselves of our own experiences. Remember that your path is yours alone and it's just as valuable as anyone else's.
Speaker 1:I always say it's easy to look through the window at somebody else and think that they got it made. My mama always said you don't never know what's going on behind closed doors. You don't never know what that person is going through. It looks good on the outside, but you can't see behind those doors. So don't let anyone lie. Fool you that it looks good. Everything that looks good ain't always good, and I'll tell you, there was a time when I thought my journey wasn't adding up. I've compared myself to others, wondering if I was doing something wrong because I hadn't gotten to where I thought I should be. But when I started, looking back on everything I've been through, every challenge, every unexpected turn, I realized that those experiences were building me into someone stronger, someone who was learning to trust her step, someone who was learning to trust herself, step by step, and that's when it clicked with me.
Speaker 1:The journey is where we become who we're meant to be. It's where we find our strength and our purpose, your personal legend. So start embracing the process instead of rushing through it. It's great to see the end and manifest that into reality, but just remember that it's going to take lots of little steps along the way, lots of lessons, lots of resilience. But if you focus on celebrating it, reflecting on it and having gratitude, even on the days where it feels like you're standing still or stuck in some quicksand, you'll get there. We all get there. Our personal legends, our purpose, that little feeling that won't let you go until you fulfill it. If you're getting comfortable, it's time to get uncomfortable. It's time to let life be a little messy and enjoy the journey.
Speaker 1:So, as we wrap up today, I want you to take a moment to appreciate where you are right now, not because it's perfect, but because it's real, because it's a part of your story. The journey isn't just a path to something greater. It's where life happens. It's where growth happens. So here's my challenge for you this week Slow down, notice the small moments and ask yourself what am I learning today? And remember that the journey is worth savoring every single step of the way. All right, my friends, thank you so much for spending your time with me today. If this episode has resonated with you, I'd love it if you share it with someone who might need a reminder that their journey matters too. Let's keep uplifting each other as we move forward step-by-step. Until next time, my friend namaste.