Thym 4 Tea with Mikita
Welcome to 'Thym 4 Tea with Mikita,' where we spill the tea on all things self-care and living boldly. This podcast is your invitation to cozy up and dive deep into conversations that get real about mindfulness, wellness, and finding joy in the beautifully messy journey of life. We're here to chat about the big stuff, the little stuff, and everything in between, with a focus on embracing our true selves and stepping into our power. So grab your cup of tea, get comfy, and discover what it means to live unapologetically.
#SelfCare #Motivation #WellnessJourney #BeautifullyUnbalanced
Thym 4 Tea with Mikita
Want a Life You Love? It Starts with the Seeds You Plant Today
Life is a journey of growth marked by the seeds we plant today for a better tomorrow. By embracing intentional living and trusting the process, we learn that even unseen actions contribute to our transformation.
• Exploring the metaphor of planting seeds for personal growth
• Choosing a guiding word each year to focus on intentional living
• Personal anecdotes relating gardening to life's journey
• Redefining home as a multi-dimensional emotional experience
• Lessons from "The Alchemist" on trusting the process of life
• Inviting listeners to reflect on their own growth experiences
• Emphasizing that growth can be quiet and subtle, yet powerful
#selfdevelopment #Wellness
#thym4teawithmikita #manifest #purposefulliving #liveunapplogectically #freedom #podcast #womeninpodcast #podcastlife #empoweringwomen
And here's the thing about seeds you don't always see the growth right away. Sometimes they sit under the soil completely hidden, but all the magic is happening underneath, and that's life. Right. We do the work, we show up, we keep moving forward and even when it feels like nothing is happening, something is, hey, there. I'm Mikita, a small town girl with big dreams who started a podcast with an old headset and a laptop at my kitchen table and made my dreams come true.
Mikita:On my podcast ,Thym 4 Tea with Mikita, we chat about living life unapologetically, on your terms, from career advice, entrepreneurship, relationships and everything in between. This is your one-stop shop for real conversations and inspiration. If you're looking for connection, then you found it here. Join me every Tuesday as we dive into those sometimes hard to have conversations. So grab your cup of tea or coffee and get comfy, because this is time for Tea with Makita, and the tea is definitely hot.
Mikita:Ever feel like you need a superpower boost of motivation with exclusive tips and tools with your goals in mind? Well, say hello to your new inspiration hotspot the Tuesday Tea Newsletter, your weekly infusion of big thinking energy that will propel you to chase your wildest dreams and never shy away from using the power of your voice. Sign up for the Tuesday Tea News today at beautifully-unbalanced. com and elevate your goals to the next level. Welcome back. My name is Mikita and I just want to thank you so much for sharing your time, your space and energy with me today. Now it's a brand new season and I'm excited to be here with you again to share the next chapter in our amazing journey together. So it's definitely time for some tea.
Mikita:I do have a quick question. I just want to know have you ever had a moment in your life where you knew deep down something was shifting in your life, almost like the old version of you just isn't fitting anymore and you're stepping into something new, even if you're not quite sure what that new is yet? You just know that you're in this transition. It's a shift, you know it's happening, but you just don't have any clue or idea of what's going to happen. It's like the anticipation of change or something to come. Well, that's exactly where I am right now In this new season.
Mikita:I feel like we're planting seeds, planting seeds of intentional living. I feel like I'm planting these amazing seeds, both intentionally, boldly and unapologetically both intentionally boldly and unapologetically. And, trust me, these seeds. These seeds that we're planting right now, they are going to grow into something. So amazing and I think that's the most beautiful part of this journey is that with each step that unfolds and I get a glimpse into what my life could be like. It's never what I imagined, it's always taking me in this different path and it's always more than I expected. I feel like it is something that feeds me. It's something that makes me realize a potential that I never knew.
Mikita:Sometimes, I think when we walk in our own journey, we have this straight idea of what it's supposed to look like, what it's supposed to feel like, and when we start to let life happen the way it should, we realize that the blessings that are given to us are more than we could ever imagine. So every year, I choose a word that sets the tone for my growth, my mindset and my journey. Last year it was letting go, and each person that I connected with and introduced you guys to talked about an experience, a part of releasing, and I felt like that was that season to do that releasing what no longer served me, saying goodbye to perfectionism and trusting that endings aren't failures, they're transitions. So this year, my word is planting seeds and here's the thing about seeds you don't always see the growth right away. Sometimes they sit under the soil, completely hidden where all the magic is happening underneath. And that's life, right. We do the work, we show up, we keep moving forward and even when it feels like nothing is happening, something is. If you're into gardening, like me, then you actually know what this is like.
Mikita:I remember the first year I decided to plant a garden. I was so hesitant because I was like I've never grew anything. I never thought of myself as being able to bring anything to life, to start something new, to see that thing happened. I've had some flowers in the past and they did not quite make it. So this idea of growing a garden was just. It seemed kind of impossible, but I was like you know what? I'm just going to try it. And I got some seeds and I started to plant. And seeing that little life come up from that dirt was just this amazing feeling of accomplishment and connection, because it was a connection that was bigger than me. It was a connection bigger than anything. This was life unfolding, and that's the same thing that I'm talking about now unfolding, and that's the same thing that I'm talking about now, seeing your life unfold by the seeds that you plant for today that you can harvest in the future. So I am embracing all of this, even if it feels a little uncertain and I don't know what will happen next or what that next step will necessarily be. I just know that we're all shifting.
Mikita:I was talking to my brother a couple of weeks ago and he says you know, there is no way that you should be the same person you were six months ago. There's no way that your ideas and your viewpoint should be the same as they were five years ago. And you know, I was just like what you know, I understood, but I was like where is he going with this conversation? And he was like that's growth. You know, you're supposed to continue to grow and as you grow and as you learn your ideas and the things that you know, you thought you knew you should have learned more. So your perspectives will change. Your view on life will change with the people you meet, the encounters and the life experiences you have. So he was like no, you should not have the same mindset that you had five, 10 years ago and you should not be the same person that you were six months ago, because if so, then you are not growing, and I was just like, oh, that was deep, bro, that was deep. But that's how me and my brother are. We are the youngest of the bunch and I feel like we have the most, the deepest conversations. We have our weekly conversations. That I just love because they're just rooted in realness and honesty and just being ourselves.
Mikita:But speaking of planting seeds, I know at the end of the last season I was telling you guys about I was moving and it was going to be like it's going to be a lot happening because we're moving into a new home. And I just want to say moving into a new house has been a journey the packing, the unpacking, organizing and, let's be real, wondering why I kept so much stuff. But more than that, it's been about redefining home, not just the physical space but the feeling of being rooted, of creating a space where I feel safe, inspired and grounded, not just for me but for all of my family. And maybe you're in a season of transition too, maybe you're moving physically, emotionally or even mentally into something new. It's uncomfortable, it's messy, and yet every step is planting a seed for what's next, and Trust in the Process reminds me of one of my favorite books, the Alchemist.
Mikita:If you've read it, you know it's about a boy named Santiago who goes on this wild journey searching for treasure, only to realize that everything he was looking for was within him. All along, that book is a whole lesson in faith and trusting the detours and in knowing that even when things don't make sense in the moment, they're leading us somewhere. We don't always see the full picture, but every step, every decision, every change, you are setting yourself up for the life that you're creating. And speaking of an unexpected journey, let me tell y'all about Turner. So, as you know, turner's my new cat. Well, technically he's not my cat, he's my daughter's cat, but he's become the family cat, like he's everybody's cat. And if you've been following along, you know I wasn't exactly planning on becoming a cat person ever. But here we are. And let me tell you, turner has been teaching me lessons about patience, presence and finding joy in the little things, whether it's him zooming through the house like he's training for a 5K or curling up next to me when I least expect it. He's reminding me that the best moments aren't always planned, they sometimes just happen.
Mikita:So now I want to hear from you. How are you planting seeds in your life? Maybe it's in your career, your health, your relationships or just the way you're showing up for yourself this year, I want you to take a moment and think about what small step you can take today that your future self will thank you for, and share your thoughts with me on Instagram, tag me or shoot me a DM. Let's have this conversation together. Let's inspire each other. Let's be there for one another.
Mikita:Now, before I go, I want to leave you with this. Growth isn't always loud, it's not always obvious. Sometimes it's quiet, sometimes it looks like rest, sometimes it looks like making one decision that no one else sees but that changes everything for you. So keep planting those seeds, keep showing up for yourself, keep trusting that, even when you don't see the progress, something is happening beneath the surface, and one day you'll look up and you'll realize you've bloomed, you've become the you that you always knew, that you could be All right. You guys, thank you so much for being here, for listening, for being part of this community. I'll see you next time. Until then, my friends, namaste.